Day 6: January 10, 2019
Day six was a busy day. All three schools completed the Christian Craft you see above. Learning a great moral and crafting at the same time opened the imagination of the students. San Lucas had the most members it had all week. Some construction workers came and finished an uncompleted paint job on a recently constructed building. The village of San Lucas was not only visited by BCM but also by SLU Friends of Clean Water. What a coincidence two groups from STL would stop by at the same time of year. At Corazon Creek, builders finished construction on the playground. Painting on the playground to be completed the next day. Corazon received a large sum of donated flip flops and hygiene supplies. At Blue Creek, kids learned about expressing their meaning in their words and worked on it by performing some plays for their respective classes. After a day of teaching was done, the group regrouped at the retreat center and had dinner with the woman in charge of Belizean high school scholarships funded by collections and donations from All Saints parish. After dinner the teachers prepared for the last day of lessons with the kids. Stamp of approval earned on Day 6.