In 2005, members of All Saints Parish in St. Peters, MO made a decision to become connected to the people of the Toledo District. Having visited the same communities for the past several years, we have developed a true interest in their lives. Our friends in Belize are very welcoming and hospitable to us, opening their hearts and homes to our volunteers. It has become an enriching experience that makes it possible to foster relationships with people of a different and fascinating cultural background. In 2018, the growing diversity of our volunteers from throughout the United States and the broadening scope of our outreach programs led to the development of a nonprofit corporation, Barefoot Children Ministries. Our dream is to continue a fruitful relationship with our friends in Belize and continue to see all the possibilities linking two cultures.


Belize is located in Central America, south of Mexico and east of Guatemala. It is a small country with a population of 375,000.  Toledo, the southernmost district in Belize, is often referred to as the “forgotten district,” due in part to limited road access. Over 80% of the population is rurally based and relies on subsistence agriculture for their livelihood. The Toledo District has by far the highest poverty rate in Belize.


Since 2008, volunteers from throughout the United States have traveled to Belize with BCM. We have provided hundreds of fruit trees to several communities and sponsored over fifty high school students. We visit elementary schools to present hands-on activities in a variety of subjects, and distribute school supplies, hygiene items, and flip flops. Depending on volunteer qualifications and interests, we also offer women’s workshops, elderly enrichment programs, health discussions, and assistance for widows and orphans in these same communities. During recent years, our focus has turned primarily to communities with limited resources along less-traveled, unpaved roads.

As the coordinator of BCM’s programs and service trips, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Belize two or three times per year for the past several years. Sometimes I take for granted all that our construction volunteers have accomplished in cooperation with community leaders and local volunteers. While driving a van load of passengers through the villages in June 2023, I pointed out just a few of “our” projects. Later that evening, one of the new volunteers exclaimed, “I had no idea that Barefoot Children has done so much for Belize!” So, I figured that a list of completed community improvement and water projects might help to illustrate our impact. Thanks to all who have attended fundraisers and donated funds needed to purchase materials!

January 2008: Catholic Church in Sunday Wood- built foundation and concrete block walls

January 2009: Catholic Church in Midway- built foundation and concrete block walls

January 2010: School Library in San Marcos- built foundation and concrete block walls

January 2011: School Library in San Benito Poite- built foundation and concrete block walls

School Library in Corazon Creek- built wooden structure

January 2012: School in Corazon Creek- built wooden library shelves

HOPE Center for the Elderly in Punta Gorda: built concrete block walls

June 2012: HOPE Center for the Elderly in Punta Gorda- poured concrete roof

School in Santa Teresa: painted interior and exterior

January 2013: School in San Lucas- renovated entire structure

Catholic Church in Aguacate- financed zinc roof replacement

June 2013: School in San Lucas- painted interior and exterior

January 2014: School Library in Otoxha-renovated entire structure

School Library in Corazon Creek- repaired termite damage

June 2014: School In Pueblo Viejo- painted interior and exterior

January 2015: School in Corazon Creek-painted interior and exterior, built outdoor classroom facility

March 2015: Provided bucket water filters for all households in San Lucas and Machakil Ha

June 2015: School in San Marcos: built concrete playground and provided classroom water filters

School in Santa Cruz- provided classroom water filters

January 2016: Catholic Church in Otoxha- installed decorative tile floor

Catholic Church in Corazon- painted interior and exterior

June 2016: School in Santa Elena- built wooden tables for outdoor lunchroom

School in Santa Cruz- replaced classroom doors

January 2017: Church in San Lucas: installed decorative tile floor

School in San Lucas- built playground

Catholic Radio Station- financed broadcast equipment to reach Belize from Guatemala

June 2017: School in San Vincente- built concrete restroom and shower facility for resident teachers

January 2018: Dolores- built four concrete spring boxes to collect and store water during the dry season

Since Barefoot Children Ministries’ incorporation as a non-profit organization:

June 2018: School in San Lucas: built additional school building for preschool

January 2019: School in Corazon Creek- built playground

March 2019: School in Machakil Ha- painted exterior

School in Dolores: financed materials and painting of school sign

San Lucas- built concrete block foundation for community water purification system

June 2019: San Lucas- installed solar-powered, river-sourced water purification system

January 2020: School in Otoxha- renovated entire structure

March 2020: Catholic Church in Otoxha- painted interior and exterior

School in Machakil Ha-built library bookshelves, fenced school garden and help students with planting

June 2022: (Return following Covid-19 Pandemic)

Machakil Ha Community- financed water storage materials in partnership with Plenty International’s Solar installation

School in San Lucas- built playground

January 2023: Catholic Church in Hicatee- installed steel purlins and sheet metal roof, windows and doors

School in Machakil Ha: financed flush-toilet bathroom facility

June 2023: Catholic Church in Blue Creek- installed steel purlins and sheet metal roof

January 2024: Catholic Church in Blue Creek-installed wooden doors and aluminum louvered windows, painted interior

March 2024: School in Corazon Creek- painted two classroom buildings
School in Dolores- purchased materials to clean and repair a bat-infested building and prevent future infestation

June 2024: School in Corazon Creek- painted library building and school playground

School in Aguacate- installed whiteboards and locking doorknobs, repaired desks and plumbing



Together we make all the difference

“Life-changing. The one word that comes to mind when I think about my 2022 mission trip to Belize with Barefoot Children Ministries; Life-changing. Not just for the different villages, people, and students that we helped while we were there, but for us as volunteers as well. While we were there to help them build new school equipment, assist with summer school programs, or repair water purification systems, they were helping us explore culture, humanity, and love. I am an educator here in the US, but those students in the village of Corazon, Belize taught me more in the brief time I had the privilege to work with them, than I learned in my entire graduate degree program. I am beyond blessed to have made so many lifelong connections in Belize and cannot wait for our next adventure together!”

Emma Jordan • Volunteer

“We have been on a several trips to Belize with Barefoot Ministries and each trip, although different, has the same goals: education, construction, providing assistance and spreading kindness. This can look like building a well to provide clean water or a playground for the school kids to play on. Helping a new local entrepreneur get off the ground or helping a grade school student get to high school. Providing school supplies to the kids or flip flops which might be their first ever pair of shoes. The need is great in these communities and Barefoot Children Ministries is answering the call. The group of volunteers, whether repeat or new, all share a common thread of comradery, dedication, compassion and commitment to helping enrich the lives of the people of Belize. Visiting with and working alongside the locals has been inspiring, humbling and an overall incredible experience. “

Jen Schroer and Hans Smith • Volunteers

“I was blessed to part of the June 2017 mission trip to Belize. The services we provided in the areas of education, women’s health, religion, construction, and water are vital and necessary in the Mayan villages. In return, I received a life-changing experience that both humbled me and solidified my faith in God and the work that we can do through Him.”  

Amanda Brase • Volunteer

“Imagine being able to form real and meaningful relationships with people who live in a different country. There are some differences, but those are gifts rather than obstacles. We are dedicated to help people live healthy, secure lives without having to be like us. In the process, we have made many wonderful friends and they have taught me much about life, trust, generosity and love. Every penny goes to the people and projects that they want to do to live their lives safely and healthily. Join us in furthering the work of this mission. What an honor!”

Fr. Don Wester • Pastor of All Saints Parish

Santiago's Testimonial Video

Sarah's Testimonial Video

15917 Heather Glen Dr
Chesterfield, MO 63017