Barefoot Children Ministries works closely with businesses, non-profits, organizations, and individuals in both the United States and in Belize. We are grateful for the support of our partners, whose expertise, products, and funding help us bring our mission to life.


“We thank and applaud Barefoot Children Ministries on this unique partnership and initiative, one that will have a long-lasting impact. This year, we have delivered 658 healthy organic trees to 305 families in six communities. We hope to continue working with Barefoot Children Ministries and we look forward to the triannual distribution of seedlings in the Toledo district.”

Marcelia Assi
Ya’axche Institute for Conservation Education


“NLI water purification system 4040, reporting for duty. This incredibly well-done site by Barefoot Children Ministries sources river water to purify, solar energy to provide power, and an 8000 liter capacity in a multi-tank format. This was an ambitious endeavor, and they have achieved a big cornerstone piece of their ongoing ministry. Ann, Paul and team, we’re very proud of you and this accomplishment, and look forward to ongoing collaborations.”

Steve Uhde
New Life International


15917 Heather Glen Dr
Chesterfield, MO 63017